Images of the Year 2023/4
In May 2024, we held our Print of the Year and Digital Image of the Year competitions, with entries made up of the high scoring images from the season's competitions. Judges were David Eastley LRPS, Marcus Scott-Taggart and Justin Cliffe ARPS.
These are the judges final selection:
Digital Image of the Year
1st : Red Kite in Long Grass by David Hughes ARPS DPAGB BPE4*
2nd: Dyskit Gompa Nubra Valley by Brian Houghton ARPS
3rd: Facing An Uncertain Path by Mark Rolfe CPAGB
Highly Commended : Water Lily by Maurice Ford
Highly Commended: Lift-Off, from Hungerford Bridge by Anna Levene ARPS
Highly Commended: Dunlin by Collette Patto LRPS DPAGB BPE2*
Commended: First Date by Anna Levene ARPS
Commended: Sunset Reflections by Helen Whiffin
Print of the Year
1st: White-Fronted Bee-Eater with Butterfly by Mike Rowe FRPS DPAGB ABPE
2nd: Kaleidoscope by Elizabeth McCormick
3rd: Saffrondrop Bonnet with Fly by Mike Rowe FRPS DPAGB ABPE
Highly Commended: Innocence by David Hughes ARPS DPAGB BPE4*
Highly Commended: Sea Holly by Karen McKeogh LRPS
Highly Commended: Greenwich Chapel by Alex Robinson
Highly Commended: Yellow Dung Fly on Stinging Nettle by Mike Rowe FRPS DPAGB ABPE
Commended: Restless Waves at Sunset by David Hughes ARPS DPAGB BPE4*
Commended: The Tree Brothers, Talking by Elizabeth McCormick
Commended: Hey There, That Was My Grub by Collette Patto LRPS DPAGB BPE2*
Click on an image to pause the slide show and enlarge.
PDI 5 : Street
On 17th April 2024, we held our fifth digital image competition, judged by Peter Merry LRPS.
Here are the high-scoring entries from across all 3 of our competition classes.
Click on an image to pause the slide show and enlarge.
Print 5 : Open
On 3rd April 2024, we held our fifth print competition, judged by Steve Lawrenson ARPS APAGB.
Here are the high-scoring entries from across all 3 of our competition classes.
Click on an image to pause the slide show and enlarge.
Print 4 : Open
On 21st February 2024, we held our fourth print competition judged by Paul Graber ARPS.
Here are the high-scoring entries from across all 3 of our competition classes.
Click on an image to pause the slide show and enlarge.
Print 3 : Motion
On 17th January 2024, we held our third print competition judged by Graham Mansfield.
Here are the high-scoring entries from across all 3 of our competition classes.
Click on an image to pause the slide show and enlarge.
PDI 4 : Landscapes
On 3rd January 2024, we held our fourth digital image competition judged by Steve Kingswell ARPS AFIAP.
Here are the high-scoring entries from across all 3 of our competition classes.
Click on an image to pause the slide show and enlarge.
PDI 3 : People
On 29th November 2023, we held our third digital image competition judged by Ken Scott ARPS APAGB.
Here are the high-scoring entries from across all 3 of our competition classes.
Click on an image to pause the slide show and enlarge.
Print 2 : Nature
On 15th November 2023, we held our second print competition judged by Marcus Scott-Taggart.
Here are the high-scoring entries from across all 3 of our competition classes.
Click on an image to pause the slide show and enlarge.
PDI 2 : Open
On 1st November 2023, we held our second digital image competition judged by Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS ABPE AFIAP APAGB.
Here are the high-scoring entries from across all 3 of our competition classes.
Click on an image to pause the slide show and enlarge.
Print 1 : Monochrome
On 11th October 2023, we held our first print competition judged by David Smith LRPS CPAGB BPE1*.
Here are the high-scoring entries from across all 3 of our competition classes.
Click on an image to pause the slide show and enlarge.
PDI 1 : Open
On 20th September 2023, we held our first digital image competition judged by Eddie Hyde FRPS.
Here are the high-scoring entries from across all 3 of our competition classes.
Click on an image to pause the slide show and enlarge.